Have you made your New Year's Resolutions?
I've mentioned before that I do something called "ONE WORD". I've done it for years. I think 2012 was my first year doing it. I can't remember who invented them. I'm so sorry! I know it was blogger and if you know PLEASE leave a comment! I would love to link back to her.
I've told you before that last year my #oneword was "Don't Wish. Do." (Okay, that's three words).
My one word is...
Y'all, I'm so excited!
NOT, that I haven't had fun in the last five years I've been in publishing because I have! I've loved it. I still love it.
Publishing is one of the coolest things a person can do.
So... why FUN?
(Also, if you wanna skip the reading, watch the video)
I want to have more FUN with my readers.
I want to have more FUN with mynewsletter folks.
I want to have more FUN with Nerds Unite.
More giveaways.
More entertaining posts.
More jump scares (okay, maybe not ;) )
More interaction.
More parties.
More exciting things.
More books (I have an INSANE book release schedule this year. Like...oh my gosh!)
... maybe my word should have been MORE lol
Anyway, so yeah, my word is fun. I want to focus on all things fun.
AND, make this fun for YOU! You make this writing dream possible and I can't thank you enough.
Let's have fun this year.
My first "fun" proclamation?
A new paranormal series called Dark and Deadly Things.
Now you might be thinking, "Kelly, that doesn't sound very fun..."
You'd be wrong ;)
To me, it reminds me of if Ghost Hunters was on The CW.
Which, IMO, would be loads of fun. ;)
Mystery, Romance, Danger, Scares, FUN, Ahhhh! I'm so excited!
Abel and Elise.
Hug me!
The very first chapter will be here next week... or this week if I can't wait until next week lol
So that's it!
What's your #oneword of 2017? Leave a comment and let's chat about it.
Much Love,
There is an article spreading through the indie publishing world today like a wild fire. I debated on leaving the link here because I don't want to give it any more press, but ultimately I'll leave it up to you and your discretion if you want to read it.SELF-PUBLISHING: AN INSULT TO THE WRITTEN WORD from HuffingtonPost.com.
As an indie author (and someone who has books through small presses) I felt like I needed to say something about this. I never say anything about anything, so here's a treat for you ;)
About two years ago, a friend asked me about my publishing career. She said she was super proud of me for writing and publishing so many books and maybe, someday, I'd be a real author. My first thought was Pinocchio. "You mean I'll be a REAL BOY!" (yes, she's still my friend. Just because I roll my eyes really hard doesn't mean we can't move on.)
A REAL author!
Golly gee!
A real author sounds amazing! Something I've wanted to be forever. I imagine a real author has to:
*write all the words (wait, I do that)
*have professional editor for all the words (ummm... wait.)
*have a professional cover designer for all the words (I mean, mine had a book with the cover she designed hit #1 on NYT. Does that count???)
*do marketing (I know I do that)
*have books in paperback (are those the things I'm selling at the store?)
Sooooooooooooooo... what exactly am I missing?
An agent? Well, okay. I'd admit that I do want one of those-- someday.
Do I want wide distribution? Heck yeah. I'd love to go into BAM, see my book, point to it, and tell an employ, "Yeah, that's right... that's me." ;)
Writing isn't like brain surgery. No one will die if you don't use the perfect verb.
Writing is creative and it is emotional, all things you can do if you are indie or trade published.
Writing SHOULD be something you grow at-- but that goes for people who have debuted their first indie book to people who have hit New York Times 17 times and have trade deals. We learn. We grow. We move on.
Do I look down at traditionally published authors?
Heck no! I think they are super cool and awesome! I love their books, follow them on twitter, and basically fangirl the heck out.
Do I look down at indie published authors?
Heck no! I think they are super cool and awesome! I love their books, follow them on twitter, and basically fangirl the heck out.
Just like everything else, there are bad indie books, and there are good indie books. There are good traditional books, and there are some that make you wonder how they got published.
But that's the beauty of books!
That's the beauty of getting to choose what you want to read!
Side note: Some authors are hybrid, meaning they self-publish and publish through a publisher. Does that mean they are only half-'real' authors? Hmmmmmmmmmmm..... #pointstoponder.
The take away is this...
If you don't want to read a book because it is indie, that is your right. However, saying all indie books are bad, worthless, and horrible isn't okay. It is, in fact, a lie.
There is a book called THE NAKED TRUTH ABOUT SELF-PUBLISHING that is WONDERFUL! I highly recommend it even if you aren't a writer. If you are on the fence about "real" vs. "indie" books, this is a great read. Some traditional authors actually CHOOSE to go indie because they can make more money. #IKNOW! Imagine... someone choosing to self-publish and NOT because they aren't real authors or can't get a book out any other way... #crazyworld ;)
My dream publishing route would be hybrid... just saying.
Cause it's the.. wait for it... Best of both worlds!
I'll let myself out.
Indie authors, here is a BIG HUG.
Traditional authors, here is a BIG HUG.
Writers on your first book, here is a BIG HUG.
Writing isn't easy.
Publishing isn't easy.
Indie or trade...
Your fingers hurt, your back hurts, you cry, you doubt, you smile, you create.
YOU are an author.
Now... go write all the words.
Happy end of 2016!
Some people are elated about that! If you've been on facebook lately, a lot of people are DONE with 2016.
They see 2016 as a horrible monster who has destroyed their childhood idols and people they love.
Personally, I had a really good 2016-- for the most part. There were issues, of course, but over all, I had a wonderful year.
Part of the reason that I loved the year was thanks to my "One Word" of 2016. If you don't know what one word is, keep reading ;)
ONE WORD is something I've done since 2012 I think. It is where you pick ONE WORD to focus on for the year. It is like a resolution only easier.
Some of my previous one words have been: love, focus, compassion...
THIS YEAR, my One Word was "Don't WISH. Do." (yes, I realize that's 3 words ;) )
Wanna skip the reading? Watch this video where I talk about some of the same keypoints.
From youtube
I'm the world's worst to go,
"I wish I had ____."
"Wow, I wish I could do _______"
"I wish _______ would happen to me."
Do you see the issue with that?
I have ZERO control over it.
It is like me saying I hope the stars line up and make my dreams come true.
You can't do that... Well you can. You can sit and wait for something to happen or you can take strides to MAKE it happen. (and by 'you', I mean me too lol)
That hit me about 3 am one night last year. I want things to happen. I want to do things, make lists, and no one can make that happen for me... EXCEPT ME.
That's where "Don't Wish. Do." comes from.
That is what I focused on all year.
I also had 2 MAIN goals:
1) Be nominated for a Utopia Award
2) Make a certain income for the year.
1) I was nominated for TWO awards!
2) I made MORE than my income goal for the year.
So... I have to say "Don't Wish. Do" was a great One Word for me.
What will my One Word be for next year?
Honestly, I have no idea.
I still want to focus on "Don't Wish. Do." BUT I want to add more to it.
I want to have a BIGGER 2017 than I had 2016.
Things to ponder.
What about you? Do you have a One word for 2017?
How about your 2016 "One Word"?
Leave a comment and let's chat!
Much love and happy reading,
That time you aren't really sure what to do...
So... a few months ago, I made a rather long post (and a rather long youtube video... and a few rather long emails) about how I wanted to give up sending newsletters.
I said that they seemed impersonal, that they went to your spam, that I missed interacting with you.
And I asked for you to join Nerds United on Facebook (my street team... only cooler) which you did. Lots and lots of people joined and we are having a great time :)
I feel as if I might have made a mistake.
I MISS making newsletters.
I MISS when y'all email me after a newsletter.
I MISS getting to share books from other authors.
I MISS fangirling via email.
SO, where does that leave me?
You can sign up HERE.
I wanna share things from other authors. Share fun things. Share... I don't know. Share. SO yeah, now I have to make ANOTHER youtube video retracting my stance on newsletters. Yes, I feel a bit silly. But you know, the heart wants what the heart wants ;) And right now, the heart wants...
Remember, CLICK HERE to get newsletters.
CLICK HERE to join Nerds Unite (my street team, only cooler)
I'm off to write. I have a new series coming on in January, and I have MASSIVE goals for 2017. Like... massive.
Next week, I'm going to reveal my 'one word' for 2017. If I've though of it yet ;)
Love y'all!
Thank you for sticking around <3
So yeah, it is a little late, but this is my 2016 NaNoWriMo recap post.
(I feel like there needs to be a theme song here.)
Another November is over. That means the last 30 days of bliss is done.
"You mean that 50,000 words in one month is your happy month?"
Oh my land!
November is seriously like my Christmas only in month long form. Thirty days of people all over the world writing, posting their word counts, being in this crazy writing world holding hands and pounding out words together.
Okay... I mean, I guess we can't exactly hold hands and write because #issues but still. NaNoWriMo is an incredible time one of the most wonderful experiences ever.
(on one book... 7,000 more on a short story by 11/30)
DAY I "WON" Nano:
Day 12
Heck yeah!
Now... on day 6 or 7, I was ready to quit. lol I made this video to pep me up (and you up if you needed it)
But I'll say that part of the thrill is the month is PUSHING yourself into getting to that 50,000 word mark. Because it is not easy. At all.
But when it is over, and you've won.
What about you? Did you do Nano? Did you 'win'? What was your final word count? Tell me all about it. I wanna to chat with you!
ALSO, now that you are finished, what are you going to do with your story?
Re-write it?
Query it?
Self-publish it?
Leave a comment! Let's talk!
Last week, I wrote about gifts for readers. This week, I wanted to share with you some ideas on gifts for writers.
Yeah, both readers and writers will probably like a lot of the same things, but I made a list of things that writers would specifically love (or at least I would... hint ;) )
*Disclaimer... All Amazon links are Associate Links*
1) A Kindle
Now, you might be thinking, "Self, didn't Kelly mention a Kindle on the Reader Gift Guide?" And the answer is yes... but there is a DIFFERENT reason to give an author a Kindle. GIVEAWAY! Kindles make awesome giveaway prizes for facebook page likes milestones, youtube, book launches, etc. Why not help out your writer friend and gift them a Kindle with the understanding that it can be used for a giveaway? They will love you for it <3
2) Pretty Notebooks
I dare you to find an author who doesn't love pretty notebooks. It is one of the perks of writing. I have more than my fair share ;) Ideas float all around us and sometimes it takes a pretty notebook to get the idea down. NOW, a 17 cent notebook WILL do the trick, but it's Christmas. We won't splurge and buy them for ourselves, but we'd love it if you bought one for us!
ALSO, find lots of ideas for journals and notebooks at www.etsy.com.
3) Cool Ink Pen
Oh my land! I'm getting giddy just looking at it!
Do you know what goes with really pretty journals or notebooks? Really pretty ink pens!! What better gift to give the writer in your life than a fancy pen. Again, it is more than likely something he/she won't buy for him/herself, but can you imagine the smile on Christmas morning? There are so many options to choose from.
Again, more are available at www.etsy.com.
4) Planners
This is something people don't normally think about but are huge for writers. PLANNERS! I, personally, right now have four planners lol. I have one for business/personal things to remember, one for marketing, one for book releases, and one for blog ideas. Yup. I love planners! So will the writer in your life. Seriously, with as much stuff as everyone has to remember now days, planners are a win/win for anyone.
Find some pretty ones onwww.etsy.com too.
5) "Writing" Gloves
It's cold.
But you still have to write all the words.
Fingerless gloves make amazing Christmas presents! They help you write all the words while your hands stay warm and toasty.
Find more on Amazon.com.
*Flash Drives
*A laptop (if you wanna go that far ;) )
*Amazon gift cards (because we are always giving them... hardly ever getting them)
*Something that goes along with their series. Does your friend write Alice in Wonderland retellings? How about a "We're all mad here" pillow? Think of things that go with his/her genre and gift something along those lines. There is nothing better than the support of a friend/family member for our 'book babies'.
That's my list. What other things can you think of that would be awesome for the writer on your Holiday List? Leave a comment and tell me.
Next week, my thoughts on this year's NaNoWriMo.
See you around,
Friday, here in the US, is Black Friday-- which means the day lots of us go out, fight crowds, and try to get the best deal on a pillow...
Trust me, my sister got into a fight over a pillow once (not her fault). There was blood... oh the humanity! Besides pain, blood, and torture, this is also the time where you have to decide what in the world to buy the person who has 'everything' OR the person that you should know what they like, but you don't... OR the person who you know is a reader and you want to feed that need (because YES!)
Here are FIVE suggestions to buy the READER on your list (Next week, I'm blogging about what to buy the WRITER on your list :)... you're welcome)
*Disclaimer... all of the Amazon links are through Amazon's Associate program*
1) A Kindle
YES! The reader on your list more than likely already has a kindle, BUT kindles are so affordable now that you can have more than one OR you can upgrade. The one I have linked is $49.99 (EEP! A steal!) They go as high as $229. This is also a great gift to give a writer... and not for the reason you'd expect (check back next week)
2) Book Related Jewelry
Buy a version of this necklace HERE
There is nothing better to give a book nerd than a piece of a book! Whether it be a necklace, bracelet, ring... whatever... A) it shows that you actually pay attention to what he/she likes B) It is very cool! I would seriously swoon if someone bought me this.
3) A Classic Novel... with a Twist (Pt. 1)
Find this paperback version of Wuthering Heights HERE
This goes along with knowing what the person on your list likes. Wuthering Heights is my favorite book ever! I have it with different covers (cause I'm a nerd lol). I love finding the book with new and interesting covers. I don't know why. I love covers. This can work for your present too...
You can buy a new paperback with a different cover (one you think is amazingly beautiful.). It is an easy way to show you care and bring paperback beauty into your reader's life.
4) A Classic Novel... with a Twist (Pt. 2)
Because you know you want to gift it... CLICK HERE
Some readers on your list will have favorite novels which have different retellings. Have someone who loves Fairy Tales? There are lots of new retellings on Amazon (heck, I have a series based on fairy tales myself). Buy them an updated version of their favorite.
Or, for a different twist, buy a completely different take on it- like Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies or, my favorite, Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter.
5) A Paperback of their favorite ebook
Paperback of book 1 in the Series by Bella Forrest--click here
My land! Most people, if they have a kindle, have an ebook library that would fill the New York Public Library (okay, maybe not, but you know what I mean). Ebooks are great. I love ebooks. Sometimes, though, it is nice to hold a paperback in your hands. And it especially awesome to hold the paperback of your favorite ebook in your hands.
Consider gifting your reader friend his/her favorite ebook as a paperback. It will make their day!
This has been a very short list of ideas you can give the reader in your life. Some other ideas include:
*Book related pillows/throws/gadgets
*Book lover's journal (where your reader can write reviews and reading goals)
*An Amazon Gift Card
*A Gift Card to a local book store
*A bookshelf (this is what my husband is getting me for Christmas... hopefully ;)
If you are looking through your Christmas list and see folks who love to read...
You now have some awesome ideas for things to buy them.
Anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend.
NEXT WEEK, what to buy the writer in your life for Christmas. Stay tuned!
If you follow me on Instagram, Twitter, orFacebook, you know that I JUST finished my 50,000 words for November/NaNoWriMo!
Let me do a happy dance...
Okay, that's not a happy dance. That is a very sexy Dean Winchester... I'm not sorry.
I get a lot of messages from people who want to know how in the world I can write so many words a day. On Saturday (because I was so close to 50,000 words) I wrote 14,000 lol. It took me about 9 hours in between taking the middle gal to basketball, then writing, then going to a birthday party, then writing, then doing a fb party... then writing... feeding the kids in there too (because my husband didn't get home until about 8:30 pm).
I wanted to give you a few tips on how *I* write so many words (I normally get betwen 2k-5k a day when I'm working on a story. That is... on the days I write. I'm not perfect. There ARE some days I don't write... we won't talk about that right now.)
I should preface this by saying that I know there are SO many other people in the world who write more words than me a day. AND there are so many people who writer slower than me, but their words are so beautiful. So this post is JUST about how I write and how I can get high word counts a day. I hope at least some of these tips work for you.
During NaNo, I don't go back and edit. There is no time... there is never any time...
... I'm not sorry.
When I write my first drafts, I write my first drafts. I go with the story, go with the flow and I don't go back and edit. If I decide I want to bring someone back to life, I do it. It makes editing a bit of a messy ordeal, but I think it's worth it. It gets the creative out. It gets your story out of your head. And it gets your words down.
"You can't edit a blank page"-- Laura Heritage, circa 2013 (my friend and one of my editors who knocks me upside the head sometimes)
2. Start with an outline... BUT don't be afraid to go away from it.
If my friend, J. Andersen is reading this, she will have this expression...
I used to be so massively anti-outline. No, that's not right. I wasn't ANTI-OUTLINE... Outlines were great. For other people. However, I've grown as an author lol. And now I do write basic outlines. Actually, I outlined most of my Nanowrimo this year. I had a general idea. And I knew how I wanted it to end. THEN, I went back after each chapter and outlined the next chapter better...
UNTIL, the last 14,000 words lol That totally went off script, and I liked it-- so I went with it.
SO, outline, but don't be so stuck to it that you don't let your creativity and the story take over.
When I write this post next year, I might be totally, 100% pro-outline. Sigh. Times are always a changin'.
3. Know your wpm/hr rate.
For me, I know I can write 2,000 words in about 45 minutes. I use that average to decide how much time I need to set aside to do my word count goals for the day. If I want to do 5,000 words for a day, I usually sit down at about 7:30 pm and write til 10-ish (cause Math is specific lol). Knowing your words/rate helps you stay on track and keeps your mind from wandering. I KNOW I have a certain amount of words that has to be done in 20 minutes (1,000 normally) so that's what I do.
What is your words per minute/hour rate? Use that to find out the best times for you to write in your specific schedule.
4. Cut out all distractions.
Stay with me here...
I USED to write with youtube blaring on earphones. I thought I 'had' to do that to get the mood right in my story. Now, even as I'm typing this, I have zero music on... the TV isn't even on.
I found that I could, SURPRISE, write MORE in a quiet room. I NEVER thought I'd write in a quiet room. The first time I figured this out was when I wrote a book for fun. I was in a slump (writer's block), and I decided that I'd write this book just for me. I wrote 64,000 words in 3 weeks. It just flowed. I had no television on. No youtube. No music. From then on, I like the quiet.
Sigh... I never thought I'd do that.
5. No Internet!
I don't have the internet on my laptop.
Because when I had the internet on my laptop do you know what I did? I was on the internet because SOMEONE SOMEWHERE must be posting something awesome.
I write with my phone in the other room too. This goes with the no distractions. If I focus only on the book, let my mind wander, I 'watch' it in my mind like a movie, I'm so much more productive. I guess I have to keep myself entertained and that means writing. :)
-- Have your characters mapped out or sketched out. Know what you want them to look like. For this Nano, I printed off pictures of my characters so I'd know what they looked like. I'm horrible to mix up eye color (that's why #1 is trust your editor!)
I'm sorry Tia ;)
--ACCOUNTABILITY! Either have a person who keeps you accountable for your daily word count goals OR post online. Be competitive if that works for you. ANYTHING that keeps you motivated works. I do 1,000 word increments. I write 1k, then rest for a minute or two... write then rest. And and I have amazing accountability buddies that keep me on the straight and narrow.
What do you think?
Do you think these tips can help you? Are you going to try any of them?
Remember, these are just for writing faster. It doesn't help with creativity (though I do find that I'm more creative when I let the words flow), and know that you will have issues to fix in editing (don't we all though lol)
BUT if you are looking for ways to up your word count or even meet your current word count goals, these are my suggestions. Leave a comment and tell me what you think. What are your word count getting tips? I'd love to hear from you.
Much Love,
Kelly Martin is the bestselling author of paranormal, contemporary, and YA books. She loves the dark, but sleeps with a nightlight. She has been married for over ten years and has three rowdy, angelic daughters. When Kelly's not writing, she loves taking picture of abandoned houses, watching horror gamers on YouTube-- even though she's a huge wimp-- and drinking decaf white chocolate mochas (because that totally makes sense). She's a total fangirl, loves the 80s and 90s, and has a sad addiction to Netflix. If you ever have a question or comment, feel free to email her at [email protected] ♥ You can follow her writing adventure at http://www.kellymartinbooks.com/
**Wanna skip the reading? There is a handy video with all of the information at the bottom of this post.**
NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) starts on Tuesday, November 1st. It is where loads of writers take the time to write at least 1667 words a day with the end goal of 50,000 words by November 30th. The obstacles are endless: deadlines, life, Thanksgiving, holidays, Christmas shopping... facebook ;) But in the end, when you cross the finish line with 50,000 words, it is magical <3 I have participated in NaNoWriMo since 2011. I won my first year, and the completed book ended up being my first book published called CROSSING THE DEEP. Mainly, I like goals and deadlines. I wanted to test myself and see if I could do it. And I did... :) I've done several NaNo's since then (I do them every year in November. There is one in the summer called Camp Nano which is awesome too). 1,667 words a day is daunting. Since I've won NaNo a time or two in my life, I wanted to give you five tips for winning... 1. Don't freak out. Don't stress. This supposed to be fun.
If you really think about it, NaNo isn't something anyone should do ;) But we do it because 1) it really is fun and 2) it is a great challenge. It IS fun if you don't get too stressed over it. Decide you want your character to be redheaded instead of brown? Make a note of it where you are and keep going. Don't go back DO. NOT. EDIT. Write and write and write some more. Editing is for December.
2. Don't fall behind. Missing even one day can stop your momentum.
So... I had you so calm about not freaking out... and then I thrown this little pearl of wisdom in the mix (sorry, not sorry).
The issue with missing a day is you can think. "Oh, I'll make it up later." And you 'can'. However, missing one day makes you have to write double the next and before long (if you keep it up) you are 10,000 words in the hole. I don't want that to happen to you. Write every day if you can. Keep your word counts up. You CAN DO THIS!
3. Don't go back and edit. Just go with it.
I mentioned it before, NaNo isn't the time to go back and edit. Kill off a character in chapter 1 and decide to bring him back in 10... DO IT! Don't go back and fix it. The key to this is writing yourself notes in your document to help you remember what you did. Writing is hard, but good notes make all the differences :)
4. Celebrate your milestones.
I do a little something when I reach the 5's (5,000... 10,000 etc). It might be watching a youtube video or a candy bar. Something. You have to celebrate the little milestones or you'll never reach the big ones. :) #PassTheChocolate #NaNoWriMo2016
5. Don't give up! You can do this!
After all is said and done, you can TOTALLY do this! It isn't easy, but what good thing in life is? No matter what happens, you will have words written down... and that is more than you had on October. 31st.
Go forth and conquer NanoWrimo! I'm rooting for you!
Here's me telling you all about winning NaNo... in all my Southern accented glory ;)
Enchanted Souls
by Tia Silverthorne Bach
A Saint’s Grove Novel, Book 11
Publication Date: 10/21/16
Welcome. To celebrate the release of Enchanted Souls, we are featuring a creature from the book every weekday from 10/24-10/31, including daily giveaways.
Two Souls Tethered. An Unbreakable Bond.
A rare occurrence brings the planets into alignment, causing the seals that separate the universes to break. Lost souls search for home while two hearts that were shattered try to find their missing pieces. When Alyxandria Duvall meets Micah, sparks fly, and their hearts burst into flames. They welcome their daughter not long after; then Micah goes missing under mysterious circumstances, leaving a path of heartache, death, and destruction in his wake. Still, Fate has more in store for them. Galactic anomalies are propelling their lives toward their destinies. Light years separate them, but their souls gravitate toward one another. Can love overpower the universe’s boundaries?
Buy Links:
About the Author:
Tia Silverthorne Bach has been married to her college sweetheart for twenty years, has three beautiful girls, and adores living in the breathtaking state of Colorado. Her daughters were born in Chicago, San Diego, and Baltimore; and she feels fortunate to have called many places home. She believes in fairy tales and happy endings and is an avid reader and rabid grammar hound.
She is an award-winning, multi-genre author and an Editor for Indie Books Gone Wild. From an early age, she escaped into books and believes they can be the source of healing and strength. If she’s not writing, you can find her on the tennis court, at the movies, reading a good book, or spooning Jif peanut butter right out of the jar.
Connect with the Author:
Sign up for her Author newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bif19P
Available Books:
Chasing Memories (Tala Prophecy, Book 1)
Chasing Shadows (Tala Prophecy, Book 2)
Chasing Forgiveness (Tala Prophecy novella)
Chasing Destiny (Tala Prophecy, Book 3)
Chasing Eternity (Tala Prophecy, Book 4)
Fractured Glass: A Novel Anthology
7: The Seven Deadly Sins
Heart Chatter (women’s fiction)
Coming Soon:
The latest Ferocious Five project
Check out Tia Bach, Author on Facebook for today’s creature giveaway.
Follow Kelly...About Kelly MartinKelly Martin is an Amazon bestseller and award-winning author. She loves abandoned house photography, ghost stories, and trying to figure out what goes bump in the night. New Series Progress
Books by Kelly Martin
Paranormal The Afterlife of Lizzie Monroe The Heartless Series (complete): Heartless Soulless Breathless Hart Reckless DDT Series (complete): Dark and Deadly Things Dark and Devious Things Dark and Dreadful Things Dark and Desperate Things Dark and Dangerous Things Fairy Tale Series (complete): Betraying Ever After The Beast of Ravenston The Glass Coffin Contemporary The Deception of Devin Miller B.I.G. is Beautiful: A Love Story YA Inspirational Crossing the Deep Love in the 80s Once Bitten, Twice Shy Current YOUTUBE videos
June 2018